Reproductive Rights National Network tecords, 1972-1985


Reproductive Rights National Network tecords, 1972-1985

Materials pertaining to R2N2 political actions and activities, files on affiliate organizations, and women's clinics across the U.S.; information about abortion legislation; and subject files concerning many related topics, including the anti-abortion movement.

6 boxes (7.5 linear ft.)


SNAC Resource ID: 7599738

Smith College, Neilson Library

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Reproductive Rights National Network (corporateBody)

The Reproductive Rights National Network formed in 1978 in response to the nationwide abortion debate launched by Roe v. Wade. It eventually included about 50 feminist organizations and devoted itself to making reproductive choices available for all women. R2N2 campaigned for safe abortions; for the right of gay couples to adopt and raise children; and against the sterilization of poor or "unfit" mothers. It disbanded in 1984. From the description of Reproductive Rights National Netw...